International Child Care is now Grace Children’s Hospital.
Our life-giving care has impacted thousands of Haitian residents over the past 50+ years—and counting! Grace Children’s Hospital continues to be a beacon of hope for residents in Port-au-Prince, where International Child Care began. With our new name, reflecting our even more committed outlook, we pledge to provide critical care and support for many more children and families for years to come.

Our Mission
Our Vision

Our Program Goals
Prevent Illness
among children and their families through immunization, oral rehydration, vitamin A distribution, prenatal care, clean water projects, training of Traditional Birth Attendants and village health promoters.
Promote Health
for children and their families through health education, pre- and postnatal care, reproductive health services, and growth monitoring.
Restore Health
for children and adults who have fallen ill through TB and HIV treatment, outpatient medical clinics at Grace Children's Hospital, and curative care services through our Integrated Community Health projects.
Our Programs
Outpatient Clinic

In Haiti, affordable health services for both children and adults are scarce. In response, since the mid-1970s, we've been providing outpatient clinics at Grace Children’s Hospital in Port-au-Prince. These clinics offer crucial diagnoses and swift treatment for diseases such as TB and HIV, alongside preventive healthcare services like eye exams and vaccinations. Moreover, our hospital pharmacy ensures patients leave with the necessary medicines on the same day.
Outpatient services include:
- Pediatric and Adult TB Treatment
- HIV/AIDS Counseling and Treatment Services
- General Pediatric Clinic
- State-of-the-Art Eye Clinic
- Reproductive Health Services
- Nutrition Clinic
As with all of Grace Children’s Hospital’s programs, fees for outpatient services are determined by a sliding scale based on the patient’s income. No one is ever turned away because they are unable to pay.
Eye Clinic

For many years, Grace Children’s Hospital has been providing vision care for numerous Haitians. More than 11,000 people have been examined and treated at this clinic.
Grace Community Health

We empower entire communities to care for children's health sustainably. Partnering directly with communities, our initiatives focus on education, health promotion, child clinics, immunization, birth attendant training, and micro-enterprise projects.
Grace Community Health projects effectively reach remote areas in rural Haiti. By integrating community-based health promotion with clinic care, we've achieved remarkable outcomes through collaborative efforts.
Our sustainable health model hinges on grassroots community involvement. It's a mutual partnership: we offer knowledge, training, and support, while communities drive direction, leadership, and harness their human potential.
Prenatal Women's Health Center

GCH's maternal health programs in Haiti are working to improve both maternal and child health, keeping mothers safe during pregnancy and delivery and children healthy as they grow.
World Leaders in the treatment of TB

GCH was selected by Haiti's Ministry of Health (MSPP) in 2016 to provide outpatient care as one of the centers for Outpatient Management of Resistant TB. The definition of Multidrug-Resistant TB (MDR-TB) refers to strains that show resistance to at least both rifampin and isoniazid, two of the most potent of the four drugs used in TB treatment.
Treating HIV

Since 1994, Grace Children’s Hospital has provided psycho-social assistance to over 900 Haitian’s living with HIV/AIDS through an established counseling program. For these people, many of whom live in abject poverty and have been rejected by family and friends, Grace is a center of hope and healing where they receive not only counseling, but also nutritious food, health care and the support of others who face the same struggles. Due to the link between tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, health education on the prevention and spread of HIV is a main objective for the staff in the outpatient TB clinic. HIV education is also deemed a priority at the reproductive health/family planning outpatient clinic. Patients at these clinics are automatically screened and referred, if need be, to Grace Children’s Hospital’s HIV/AIDS counseling service.
Inpatient Ward

The staff at Grace Children’s Hospital annually cares for hundreds of children in our inpatient ward. During their typical three-month stay, the hospital serves as a place of healing and comfort for these children.
They receive top-notch medical care from skilled doctors and nurses, nutritious meals for their health and growth, and support from devoted and caring nurses' aides. Once a child starts recovering, they can also attend school at the hospital, often their first exposure to formal education.
Families access all these services for a nominal fee of $8 USD, but many struggle to afford even this amount. Yet, in line with all our programs, we never refuse treatment to any child or family based on their ability to pay.
Your support is the lifeblood of these vital programs. Join us in making a contribution that truly sparks change and creates an impact.